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A new Member Class will be forming in October. A sign up sheet is in the hospitality room. New member classes will be Tuesdays, 10/8, 10/15, and 10/22 at 6:30 pm. A Service for Reception into the church will be on Sunday, 10/27 at both services.

For more information see Pastor Daniel, Joyce, or Denise.


Long Neck Methodist Church will be partnering with Cape Pharmacy to host a flu shot clinic.

Join us on Saturday, October 5th at the church, 32051 Long Neck Road, Millsboro, DE from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Please bring your drivers license, insurance cards and or Medicare card. 

If you have questions prior to the event call Cape Pharmacy (302) 945-0090.


Mark your calendars

Fall Fling will be held, Saturday, October 19th, 9-1 pm.

A Trunk or Treat event has been scheduled to be held on October 26th from 3-5 pm. We are looking for members of the congregation to decorate their trunks for the event. Decorations must be church appropriate!  We are also looking for donations of candy to be distributed during the event.  For more information, please see Pastor Daniel or Denise.


Calling all singers!

If you are interested in joining the LNMC Praise Band, please stop by the Sanctuary on Fridays at 6pm or call Kathleen Albert at (302)-396-4678.

If you know someone who would like a visit, a call, Home Communion or any other pastoral care or if you would like this ministry, please contact the Office (during office hours) or place the information on the Connect Card. 


​The Food Closet at Long Neck Methodist Church is running low.


Below is a list of needs:

Shelf Milk


Macaroni & Cheese

Thank you for your support of this important mission,

serving your brothers and sisters in the Long Neck area.


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